Oleh Yudin Приложения

iCrosss Lite 1.0.2
Oleh Yudin
iCrosss Lite is a free version of popularandunique educational application iCrosss which will help youlearnsolid geometry in an easy and funny way.iCrosss allows you to build a cross-section of eachavailablepolyhedra by your defined plane. The plane can be definedby threepoints (taps) on polyhedron faces. The application supportssuchkinds of polyhedra as regular polyhedra (Platonicsolids),Pyramids, Prisms, Anti-prisms and Archimedean solids andduals.Polyhedrons are displayed in 3D representation, which allowsyou torotate it in any direction. Cool chalkboard drawing style andfontswere used for awesome look’n’feel. To build a cross-sectionyouhave to put three points on polyhedron faces in order to defineasection plane.There is two view modes that you can use for bettercross-sectionexperience: 3D mode and 3D cut mode. 3D cut mode isavailable onlywhen you have already built cross-section. In thismode you canchoose one of two solid pieces of initial polyhedronto continuework with. Available option for printing and sendingvia e-mail ofthe polyhedron or its section. You can accessinformation regardingselected solid, which includes shortdescription, number of faces,vertices, edges, web-link for moreinformation and useful formulas.Polyhedra are organized in simplelist divided by categories.A tutorial mode was designed for quick understanding. Itwilltake you through the general application features.
iCrosss 1.0.2
Oleh Yudin
iCrosss is an educational application which helps you learn solidgeometry